The Predicament Of A Prophet
A prophet can be described as a mouthpiece for GOD. Sometimes the life of a prophet is used by GOD as the demonstration of His message. In this way a prophet’s life becomes “a word made flesh” just like the LORD JESUS (John 1:14). There are different aspects of a prophet’s life that can be referred to as challenging at best or bitter at worst; they are predestination, calling, and commissioning.
“Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, ‘Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.’ ” (Jeremiah 1:4 &5, KJV)
Prophets are born not made. They exist in eternity past with GOD until by His power He sends their soul/spirit forth to inhabit a body that connects them with a particular family and bloodline. This detail in GOD’S plan could either become the best or worst part of their history. The new born prophet could begin to have bitter experiences at an early age depending on what’s in their bloodline and/or what type of family (i.e. traditional, single parent, or same sex) raises them.
It’s a rare and precious thing for a child to be raised in a family that knows that he or she is a prophet and cooperates with the call of GOD for them (i.e. Samuel). Often times it takes years before the prophet learns about the call of GOD on their life. Miriam was only thought of as “Moses’ sister” and not a prophetess for years. Moses was hiding out with Jethro, the priest of Midian, and his family after his trouble in Egypt. Amos was a picker of sycamore fruit. Elisha worked the plow in his father’s field. Isaiah was a man that had a weakness for profanity. Then BAM! One day GOD reveals Himself to His prophet and calls them into service and the prophet’s training/equipping officially begins. Needless to say, the LORD’S claim on a prophet’s life can result in very bitter circumstances (i.e. loss of career, family, social position, social acceptance, or reputation).
After a prophet is called they are commissioned (like officers in the military) and sent forth to a specific population with a particular message. The LORD has a unique way of preparing His prophet for future deployment by the experiences they’ve had up until that point. For example, if you’re to be sent as a prophet to minister to people who’ve endured a lot of bitterness in life (wink-wink), the LORD would’ve allowed that prophet to experience and overcome the same as part of their preparation. In other words, the LORD fits the prophet to the population. Moses was called to lead Israel out of bondage in Egypt and through the wilderness, but first the LORD taught him survival skills at the desert homestead of Jethro, his father-in-law. If you’re a prophet wondering where and to whom the LORD might send you, look at your life circumstances; you’ll find clues there.
Okay. In the origin story of the prophet there will be troubles, but the real trouble starts in earnest when they begin to minister. Why? Because:
the group to which they are sent may not be willing to receive them or their message
members of the target population may conspire against the prophet to harm them
the kingdom of darkness becomes aware of their commission and begins to oppose them and their message
the prophet receives all sorts of wounds as a result of ministry.
I like to watch war movies because there are parallels between natural and spiritual warfare. Have you ever seen a war movie in which one of the soldiers gets wounded, but they don’t realize it at first? During real warfare this happens because there is a build-up of adrenaline in the soldier’s body that prevents them from feeling pain for a while. When the adrenaline level decreases then the injury is felt by the soldier.
Many prophets and other ministers are so caught up in the supernatural energy and intensity of the spiritual battle that they are unaware of the injuries they’ve suffered. This may go on for years! When believers fight spiritual battles their spirits are fighting. Spiritual injuries are very difficult to recognize without discernment. And, without discerning spiritual wounds they cannot be healed. Through injuries in our spirits Satan can introduce “diabolical infections” that over time will cause widespread damage that can affect our souls and bodies. Read the following verse:
“And the very GOD of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray GOD your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23, KJV) The totality of who we are is made up of our spirit, soul, and body. These are interconnected and negative effects in one area affect the other areas. So, an unattended wound in your spirit can negatively impact your body and soul. And there’s a lot encased in your soul that could be damaged like your mind, emotions, and personality.
Since prophets are fine-tuned receivers, they more strongly discern stimuli from their natural and spiritual environments. Therefore, regular check-ups for examination and tune-ups are essential. Those ministering to prophets and other frontline members of the Body of CHRIST must always run diagnostics for the root of bitterness since it has the particular ability of defiling believers according to Hebrews 12:15.
The WORD states: “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” (Psalm 34:19, KJV) Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, intercessors, those who work miracles, minister healing, etcetera experience predicaments because of how the LORD works through them. Often these precious ones become severely wounded so that they begin to malfunction or have completely stopped ministering. BUT GOD IS NOT UNRIGHTEOUS! He is committed to providing them with the special care and attention behind the scenes that restores them to health and wholeness: “ ‘For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds,’ saith the LORD; because they called thee an Outcast, saying, ‘This is Zion, for whom no man seeketh after.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:17, KJV)
“MARA…NO MORE!” is a hidden part of the Body designed by the LORD for the healing of the saints. The biggest requirement for those who would receive is the humility to admit that they need help. If you are a prophet overwhelmed by bitterness as a result of ministry wounds or the aspects of your life that make you who you are, acknowledge your need and humbly receive what the LORD has provided. Reach out; once that happens JEHOVAH-Raphe can begin to minister healing and deliverance and restore you to health.
If you know someone who could benefit from this kind of ministry, ask the LORD to give you His wisdom and sense of timing before mentioning it. Remain prayerful and strictly obey GOD’S instructions. When you sense a release in your spirit to speak with the minister, make your approach from a position of humble concern. Ask the LORD to modulate your tone when you speak. Hurt ministers can be a skittish bunch like horses; they are strong and powerful, but easily unnerved when approached in the wrong way or at the wrong time.
You may encounter a spirit of religious pride and self-reliance. If you are rebuffed by the minister for suggesting that they need ministry: resist the temptation to be offended, affirm your love for them, remain prayerful listening for the LORD’S next instruction, and build yourself up before the next approach. Be bold; be courageous; and be filled with GOD’S might. The LORD will bless you for your persistence. This word is especially for those who are called to minister to ministers. Faithful ministry to your mentor as unto the LORD positions you to receive your mantle of authority at the appointed time like Joshua and Elisha.
GOD bless you.
DECLARE: “In the name of the LORD JESUS I receive this word as ointment for my wounded soul and spirit. I receive strength from it to start and pursue until completion this healing and deliverance process You have ordained for me. Thank You LORD. Amen.”
For those who minister to ministers DECLARE: “In the name of JESUS I will be strong and in the power of His might with a heart of compassionate humility mention to my (i.e. pastor, apostle, prophet, bishop, or etcetera) GOD’S provision of this deliverance ministry. I will continue to intercede until such time as an appointment has been made, the process has begun, and the glory of GOD is once again manifesting in their life and ministry. Amen.”